Series Planning

by pocketbryant

Being a part of a creative team in a church is interesting. You have to grapple with things that may be happening in the church several weeks down the road in advance.

I got to sit in a series planning meeting discussing what the next series and Easter look like for us. I’m really excited about the content of what we are doing, but we had to figure out how to build a series out of the content.

It was awesome going through the content and having to grapple with what it means to us. In order to build the creative side you have to understand the impact of the compact. What are we learning through what we are studying? 

One thing I struggle with working in church is it feels like you don’t get to learn with all of the people attending. You are so busy on Sunday mornings that there is no time to soak. For a creative in a church, series planning becomes that time for you to wrestle with the content. 

Not only do you get to study what it means, you wrestle with what it looks like. There are so many different perspectives you have to view the content from. Since you are viewing the content from so many directions, I believe you ultimately are getting and even deeper view than what might be taught. You have revelation coming from all sorts of angles. 

It was cool to get to sit through the meeting and wrestle with the team that was in there. It makes me look at how I do personal devotionals. What if I took apart my personal devotions in the same way we take apart content in a creative meeting? Would having to look at it from different perspectives change the way that I thought about it? Would I gain a better understanding of what I am learning?

I guess now I just need to get a big whiteboard installed in my room. 🙂